Industry News

Technology drives 40% reduction in road incident rate at Autoglass

posted on 09/08/2023
Technology drives 40% reduction in road incident rate at Autoglass

A 40% cut in the incident rate involving fleet vehicles at Autoglass has been achieved over the past four years, new data released by the company reveals.

The reduction, says Autoglass, has been driven by the introduction of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) into its vehicles and the widespread use of telematics to track driver behaviour.  

Autoglass has a fleet of more than 900 light commercial vehicles, with technicians collectively travelling over a million miles per month.

The business has been investing to upgrade its fleet and introduce more advanced safety features, such as autonomous emergency breaking and adaptive cruise control.

Now 95% of commercial vehicles in the Autoglass fleet feature some form of ADAS, providing further safety to its drivers and other road users.  

The use of telematics has also allowed Autoglass to monitor driving behaviours, contributing to the 40% decrease in its incident rate between 2018 and 2022.

Telematic tracking allows the business to spot unsafe habits in drivers and provide targeted training where required. The company also uses telematics to recognise and reward technicians who exhibit best driver performance to encourage positive behaviour.  

Jo Fryer, people director at Autoglass, said: “Over the last few years, we have invested significantly in the latest ADAS to ensure our drivers have access to the best technology to keep them safe on the roads.

“With new regulation coming next year that will require all cars sold to include some ADAS, we wanted to ensure we were ahead of the curve and at the forefront of technology in the industry. 

“Safety is not a tick box exercise but something that we pay constant attention to. We are continually reviewing our systems and training to ensure we are fostering a safe working environment and reducing the vehicle incident rate still further.” 

*Article Source

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