Moving your vehicle
Moving your vehicle
In developing our logistics and storage offering, we are focused on risk management of the vehicle and provide vehicle safety checks for every vehicle entering our reallocation and storage location. To allow you to focus on your core activities, our experienced team will expertly utilise your fleet to provide clean, roadworthy, and fit for purpose vehicles delivered by our professionally trained drivers.

What can we offer
Vehicle inspections are carried out in two parts: mechanical and cosmetic. Any identified damage, both internal or external will be reported to you when requesting authorisation for the repair.
Please note: Vehicle inspections are chargeable. Please contact our Customer Service team via email at csalphabet@alphabet.co.uk to request the latest pricing information.
Vehicle valet are available upon request with 2 levels to choose from: silver and gold. Please contact our Customer Service team via email at csalphabet@alphabet.co.uk to request the latest pricing information.
Please note: excessively dirty vehicles may require a Gold Plus valet, which includes the gold valet cost with an uplift for additional labour hours
Vehicle movements are facilitated from and to Alphabet storage facilities. We are able to arrange movements between all U.K. addresses, including internal movements between driver and/or business addresses.
Vehicle movements, reallocations, delivery and collection are arranged using route planning software to enable us to react quickly to changes in logistical conditions. This ensures that movements are actioned in the most cost-effective and timely manner.
Moving a vehicle is chargeable. Please contact our Customer Service team via email at csalphabet@alphabet.co.uk to request the latest pricing information.
Vehicle handovers are carried out by our professionally trained drivers who will take the time to demonstrate the features and benefits of each vehicle (if required). They will also complete a high level inspection of the vehicle and record any obvious damage and/or missing items.
Vehicles are stored within a secure storage compound and we will provide full inventory records for all vehicles under our control. For those in long-term storage, a regular 60-day duty of care check is carried out to keep them roadworthy
Please note: Storing a vehicle is chargeable. Please contact our Customer Service team via email at csalphabet@alphabet.co.uk to request the latest pricing information.
Before we collect your vehicle
We ask that you prepare your vehicle for collection by:
- Ensuring all items that you received with the vehicle are present (spare keys, charging cables, book packs, etc.)
- Making sure the vehicles MOT is valid, and exceeds the collection date by at least 2 days
- Clean the vehicle inside and out, and fill at least a quarter tank of fuel (or a full charge for EVs)
- For data-protection, you must clear on-board computers of any personal/business data.
If you have any questions about preparing your vehicle for collection, you can speak to our experienced team at logistics@alphabet.co.uk.

What we look for during collection
During inspection, the collection agent will conduct a high level assessment of your vehicle in order to ensure that it is roadworthy and legal. This means it should not have:
- An expired MOT
- A flat battery
- Any tyre tread below 1.6mm, or punctured
- Warning lights displayed on the dashboard
- Windscreen chips over 10mm in the driver's line of sight
- Windscreen chips over 40mm out of the driver's line of sight
Failure to prepare the vehicle accordingly or amend/cancel your appointment may result in a failed collection, which will incur a charge of £144 (incl. VAT).
If you need to amend or cancel the collection, please contact your Alphabet representative one working day before the collection on 0370 0120 301 (option 9).
Please note: We will do our best to facilitate all requests, but these cannot always be guaranteed due to delays caused by external factors. We will notify the main contact as soon as possible if the collection needs to be rearranged.

Request a vehicle movement
You can start the vehicle movement process by completing this form.
Please note: There are charges involved with moving/storing your vehicle. Please contact our Customer Service team via email at csalphabet@alphabet.co.uk to request the latest pricing information.
Frequently asked questions
Yes. The movement and storage of vehicles, along with all related services, are chargeable. If you require a copy of the latest logistics and storage charge guide, please contact csalphabet@alphabet.co.uk.
We will do our best to collect the vehicle within the preferred time slot, but this is not guaranteed due to delays caused by external factors outside of our control.
If the collection time or date needs to be rearranged, we will notify the main contact.
During your collection, the vehicle will be inspected by a collection agent who will take a picture of all 4 corners of the vehicle, plus any damage that is deemed outside of the BVRLA Fair Wear and Tear guidelines. They will not note down all imperfections on the vehicle and will take interior shots of the front and back of the vehicle, including an odometer reading and the fuel or battery level. Missing items will also be noted in this preliminary inspection.
After this has been completed the collection agent will then either drive the vehicle away or load it onto the transporter and take it to the end destination.
When the vehicle arrives in storage, a health check will be carried out and an itemised estimate will be created and reviewed. Any recommendations on repairs will be sent through.
During your delivery, the vehicle will be inspected by a collection agent who will take a picture of all 4 corners of the vehicle, as well as inside shots of the front and back of the vehicle, an odometer reading and a fuel or battery level reading.
Once the inspection has been completed, the driver will advise on any features of the car that they aware of and will happily answer any questions you may have.
If your vehicle is a petrol, diesel, or hybrid, we kindly ask that the vehicle is returned with a quarter tank of fuel.
If your vehicle is fully electric, then please ensure that the vehicle has a full charge prior to collection.