Industry News

BVRLA Outlines next steps to Net Zero 

posted on 08/02/2023
BVRLA Outlines next steps to Net Zero 

The BVRLA is urging the Government to show yet more net zero ambition in its fiscal plans by using the upcoming Spring Budget to encourage wider adoption of electric vehicles. As part of its Budget submission, the association has outlined four key asks that will support the UK’s drive to decarbonise. 

The Spring Budget, due on 15 March, is when the UK government will outline its tax and spending plans and follows the Autumn Statement delivered in November 2022. Following extensive consultation with colleagues representing all corners of the BVRLA’s membership, the representation asks for the government to: 

Freeze Vehicle Excise Duty rates

Remove charging VAT disparity

Provide foresight on road pricing

Introduce a successor to the Green Super Deduction 

Toby Poston, BVRLA Director of Corporate Affairs, said: “Last Autumn the Government maintained momentum in fleet decarbonisation by delivering greater certainty on supportive Benefit in Kind tax rates.” 

“Now we are asking them to apply the same logic to other elements of the motoring tax regime. Together, these measures would provide a wider boost to business investment in zero emission vehicles and infrastructure.” 

The association will continue to engage with policymakers and push for positive change in the Spring Budget. 

In related activity, the BVRLA’s first Fleets in Charge webinar of the year is taking place on Wednesday 8 March. Falling as part of Decarbonising Transport Week, the “Plugging the gap: foundations for fleet charging” webinar will explore the challenges fleets are facing in their efforts to ecarbonise. All industry professionals can register for free.

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