Alphabet News

Alphabet looks back on a solid year despite 2020 hurdles

posted on 22/03/2021
  • Solid order volume at 206,000 despite pandemic challenges
  • eMobility segment (EVs/PHEVs) grew by 34% which translates to 5% market share
  • Alphabet is now active in 31 countries

Farnborough, 22 March 2021: Alphabet looks back on a solid business year, despite challenges throughout 2020. The awareness and demand for sustainable, alternative fleet options did not waver during the pandemic, and Alphabet has been one of the main drivers of this development. In the past year, Alphabet was able to continue its growth, particularly in the eMobility segment, putting 26,000 EVs and PHEVs on the road, growing the segment by 34% compared to the previous year. This translates to nearly 5% market share of all EV/PHEV registrations across 13 countries.

Marco Lessacher, CEO of Alphabet International said, “With a strong focus on eMobility we developed a holistic consulting approach to deliver tailor-made solutions to our customers. Our AlphaElectric offering enables us to conduct in-depth customer analysis that encompasses everything, from vehicle selection to the appropriate infrastructure on site, in public and at home. We appreciate that providing solutions with extensive consultation and flexibility is key in running an eMobility fleet and this pays off for our customers.” 

Alphabet’s total portfolio has slightly decreased but stabilised at around 700,000 lease vehicles. As a consequence of the pandemic, the order volume slowed, but remained above 200,000. “2020 has been a difficult year for all of us”, Lessacher explains. “The slight decrease in orders was a natural reaction to the extraordinary business situation, which led to reduced mileages, requests to extend contracts and a clear demand for more flexibility. We answered this development with highly flexible products such as our rental solution, AlphaRent and of course, our increased support on all levels. Looking back on what we achieved for our customers gives me every confidence for the future”. Furthermore, Alphabet expanded its global presence in 2020 to 31 markets, with Australia and New Zealand through the OneNet Partner Network.


Looking ahead, Alphabet anticipates positive development despite the current challenges and the latest forecasts suggest that new business will grow to pre-crisis level again in 2021. The company predicts that every fifth leased Alphabet vehicle will be electrified. This means, that the estimated growth in the eMobility segment will be twice as high as the overall new business growth. Marco Lessacher states, “EMobility will not solely dominate the upcoming year. Customised digitalisation of services for constant support and a high degree of flexibility in all areas will also play a vital role. We will ensure this for our customers in order to make them and their fleet future-ready”.

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