Industry News

AA reaction to Transport Secretary's 'Plan to back drivers' 

posted on 04/10/2023
AA reaction to Transport Secretary's 'Plan to back drivers' 

Commenting on the 'Plan to back drivers' announced today by the Secretary of State for Transport, Edmund King, AA president, said; "The AA has long campaigned, on behalf of our members, to tackle some councils using moving traffic violations, such as yellow box junctions, to fleece drivers - often caught in a trap of poor road markings and bad signage. We welcome this review and hope councils act accordingly. Our 2017 'Caught in a trap' report* shared with Government ministers highlighted issues around moving traffic offences and yellow box junctions. 

"We are also pleased to see the wider rollout of 'Lane Rental Schemes' at roadworks and street works which seek to reduce poor and overrunning roadworks experienced across the country, including the issuing of fines. All road users will benefit as those digging up the road will be financially penalised for returning our streets in an awful condition." 

"The AA has been raising issues about the poor state of local roads, over-running roadworks, badly designed yellow box junctions, private parking companies, 'smart' motorways and much more for many years. Our members are also concerned about air quality, road safety and mobility. We also campaign on issues such as 'Think Bikes'. Many of our members also interested in walking, cycling and public transport. We take a balanced approach to mobility where driving doesn't have to cost the earth.  

"The AA fully supports the use of targeted 20mph limits where they are needed and will be effective, for example, when pupils are going in or out of schools, near parks, cul de sacs and key residential areas. Drivers are much more likely to abide with the lower speed limit when they understand the reason for it. We would also like to see more pragmatic and variable speed limits, for example, using interactive signs outside schools at the start and end of the day but possibly not at 2am in the morning. 

"Cars and road transport are paramount to how we live and work. Government figures show 58% of trips and 78% of distance travelled are made with cars, with most freight being transported by road.  

"When implemented with local consultation and support, targeted road safety measures are supported by drivers and residents alike. Transport policy should be evidence-based and take account of all road users including drivers, cyclists, bikers, bus passengers, delivery drivers and pedestrians. Safety and environmental considerations are also key. For example, if the evidence shows there are no buses running after 10.30pm then it is logical to open the bus lane to all road users. "

*Article Source

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