Alphabet recognised as Top UK Employer for tenth year running

17 January 2023, Farnborough, UK: Leasing and mobility expert Alphabet (GB) has been awarded the Top Employers United Kingdom 2023 Certification. This is the tenth year in a row Alphabet has been recognised by the Top Employers Institute for its dedication to creating a better world of work through exemplary HR policies and ‘people-first’ practices.
Awarded to leading employers who demonstrate excellence in employee conditions, a desire to continuously strive to enhance their employment practices, and a history of developing diverse talent at all levels, the 2023 Certification earns Alphabet an exclusive place amongst a select group of companies that have excelled for a decade or more.
Organisations assessed by the Top Employers Institute Programme are evaluated based on the results of a rigorous HR Best Practices Survey. Covering six HR domains and consisting of 20 topics, including People Strategy; Work Environment; Talent Acquisition; Learning; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; and Wellbeing, the survey is designed to highlight those employers who meet a global standard of outstanding and inclusive people-based practices.
Mike Dennett, CEO, Alphabet (GB) commented: “It’s an honour to see Alphabet named a Top UK Employer for the tenth consecutive year. Our people are the very heart of our organisation and this certification is a great way to benchmark how we are performing as a company, as well as identifying opportunities for us to develop further. We are incredibly fortunate to have brilliant people who work exceptionally hard at Alphabet and our Top Employer status is a testament to the dedication of each and every one of them to supporting our customers and making this a fantastic place to work.
“As a business, we are committed to fostering an inclusive culture of strong, positive teamwork that enables our teams to thrive and it is thanks to those teams going above and beyond that we are able to maintain exceptional customer service and continue to drive success.”
David Plink, CEO, Top Employers Institute said: “Exceptional times bring out the best in people and organisations. And we have witnessed this in our Top Employers Certification Programme this year. These employers have always shown that they care for the development and well-being of their people. By doing so, they collectively enrich the world of work. We are proud to announce and celebrate this year’s group of leading people-oriented employers: the Top Employers 2023.”
For more information about the Top Employers Institute and Certification, please visit: