Lower the costs of your fleet
See different ways how we can help you to optimise your costs
Sustainable solutions that lower costs but keep your fleet mobile
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Here’s how we can help you optimise your costs

Let’s drive down your mobility costs
Knowing your Total Cost of Mobility (TCM) gives you greater transparency of your mobility expenditure, which helps optimise cash flow management. With this valuable insight to hand, fleet managers should extend their focus to business travel and car usage policies. You may need tighter rules to reduce the number of unnecessary trips and optimise costs. Private use of company cars is also a source of additional costs. Besides wear and tear, this can also create tax issues. In general, users have the greatest influence on a company’s mobility costs. But they are not the ones footing the bill – the company is. For instance, you could benefit from more efficient cars, but users might want something different. The same can be said about eMobility and carsharing, which can also have a positive impact on both TCM, and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
Driver profiles are another important aspect for companies to conside. Urban drivers on the go in city centres consume 20-30% more fuel than their suburban counterparts. By selecting vehicles that are more suitable for their driver profiles, fleet decision makers can decrease their TCM, and often shrink their company’s carbon footprint in the process.
Many companies are in the dark about TCM and still use TCO as a metric by default. It’s high time, however, to start looking at TCM instead. The biggest hurdle is raising awareness about TCM and generating interest in exploring options.