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5 Questions to Alex Bangula

posted on 4/22/2024

Electromobility has taken off in recent years. E-cars are becoming more affordable and the necessary infrastructure is being developed. But there are still challenges to overcome. Alex Bangula tells us what these are and what incentives need to be created to make e-mobility more attractive to newcomers. He is a co-founder of carbonify which helps electric vehicle owners handle their greenhouse gas (GHG) bonus. Additionally, he is active on YouTube with Elektrisiert, a channel with 115k subscribers where he covers everything to do with electromobility and electric cars. Alex shared his thoughts on trends, the importance of e-mobility and what e-cars have to do with diverse musical tastes.

In your opinion, what are the three most important trends in electromobility and why?
I've been driving electric for over seven years. Back then, it wasn't always easy to find a charging station. There are now more public charging stations than petrol stations and the expansion continues rapidly. I'm also pleased about the ever-increasing variety of models to choose from. All the classic car manufacturers offer e-cars and pure e-car start-ups are providing an additional breath of fresh air. One of the most important trends is certainly the constant improvement in the price-performance ratio. A €50,000 electric car today has a comparable or even better range and charging speed than a €100,000 car seven years ago. With further technological progress and growing competition, this positive trend should continue.

What do you think Europe needs to do to advance its e-mobility initiatives - both on an individual level and for companies with fleets?
I don't think we are in as bad a position in Germany and many other parts of Europe as many people portray. In 2023, more electric cars were newly registered in Germany than diesel vehicles and the charging infrastructure has been massively expanded in recent years. There are now over 100,000 public charging points in Germany. Here, the expansion must keep pace with the increasing number of new registrations and the expansion must accelerate in Southern and Eastern Europe. One thing that is a thorn in my side every day is blocked charging points. Clear and sensible signage is needed here to prevent charging points from being blocked, as well as controls including severe penalties for blockers. More and more buses in our cities are going electric, which I very much welcome and believe should be further promoted. Certain financial and tax incentives can help individuals and companies to find their way to electromobility more quickly. In my opinion, it is more important that states remove barriers to e-mobility so that people and companies can drive the topic forward more efficiently. For example, authorisation procedures for charging parks must be simplified and tenants must have the right to install a wall box in their parking space.

Alex Bangula with Porsche Taycan

Why is e-mobility (currently) so important? And what do you think is currently preventing people from switching to e-cars? How do you see the role of company fleets in this, what can and should companies do?
E-mobility plays an important role because electric vehicles are simply better for the environment than comparable combustion engine cars. The studies are clear on this – it is also possible to produce renewable electricity in Europe, whereas we must rely on imports for environmentally harmful fuel. It is still a problem that there are not enough good and affordable electric cars. If you can spend 50,000 euros or more on a car, you can get a car that is basically uncompromising. If your budget is smaller, it can be more difficult to find a suitable electric car for your mobility profile. In addition, many consumers have too little or outdated information about electric cars. For example, the days when charging infrastructure was a problem are long gone in most places in Central Europe. There are also many electric cars that have a range of 400km and can make a quick charge stop in under 30 minutes. Due to their size, electric company fleets can provide a big push for the transition to more sustainable mobility. Free of prejudice and based on the current state of development of electromobility, decision-makers should take a close look at whether a large part of the fleet can already be electrified. The answer is often a resounding yes. The expansion of charging stations at company locations is just as crucial.

What does e-mobility mean to you personally? What is your vision for the future?
For me, e-mobility is a passion and also my professional home. When I sat in an electric car for the first time eight years ago, the spark was immediately ignited [pun intended!]. It's exciting to see how dynamically e-mobility is developing and how many motivated people are getting innovations off the ground. That's why I report on the topic on my YouTube channel, invest in start-ups and co-founded carbonify, the GHG (greenhouse gas) quota provider with the highest customer satisfaction. My vision for the future is that electric mobility is seamlessly integrated into our everyday lives. There will be sufficient charging infrastructure at work, in shopping centres, at service stations, in multi-storey car parks, in hotels and at home. Thanks to bidirectional charging, the electric car helps to temporarily store renewable electricity and serves as a large power bank for excursions or when energy is needed in remote locations.

If electric cars had a personality, what kind of music would they listen to in their free time? (Electronic beats or rather soft acoustics?)
There are people whose heads always bob along, no matter what playlist or radio station is playing.
That's exactly how I imagine the musical taste of electric cars to be 😅. Electric cars are so diverse and multi-faceted that one type of music is not enough. The e-car drives quietly and elegantly, accelerates like the devil and is bursting with power. Accordingly, any music fits into the e-car. And no matter what is playing, you can hear it well thanks to the quiet power unit 😊.

Bonus question: Can you tell us which electric car is currently the top model/your favourite in your eyes?
These days there are many great electric cars, so it is hard to pick one. But I must say that the new Porsche Taycan is simply amazing. First of all, the car is gorgeous. When we filmed with the Taycan we also drove to a fast charger and I was fascinated by the charging speed. It was the first time ever I saw an EV charge at 300 kW. 320 to be exact. Also, the power and driving dynamics blew me away. The Taycan has its price, but it is an amazing car!

Portrait of Claudia Bauer, International Marketing Communications Manager

Claudia Bauer

International Marketing, Communications Manager

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