Customer testimonials

Intys: ‘Our junior consultants now combine a MINI with a folding bike’

posted on 16/6/2022

A MINI is an icon. It is timeless yet contemporary because it fits perfectly into new mobility trends. Intys added a series of MINIs to its company fleet at the request of junior consultants in 2020. And it didn’t stop there!

The positive experiences have since led to a substantial expansion of the MINI fleet. ‘They fit nicely into the mobility plan we are currently creating,’ says Katrien De Both, CFO of Intys. What exactly she means by that and how Alphabet is contributing to that plan will become clear in a moment.

A brief introduction. Intys specialises in management and technology consulting and has 550 employees in Belgium, Luxembourg and France. The organisation streamlines operational processes for organisations in the pharmaceutical sector, energy market, industry, banking and insurance, among others.

Obviously, this company needs to score strongly in the ‘war for talent’ that, as we all know, is raging more fiercely than ever before. The company’s culture includes open lines of communication and plenty of opportunities for employees to have their say. Two years ago, there was a clear message from young potentials and junior consultants within the company. This message had a major impact on the company fleet.

Large fleet of 71 MINIs

‘Some were particularly attracted to the shape, compact dimensions and comfort of a MINI. They thought this was the perfect car for travelling to customers in cities,’ says CFO Katrien De Both. ‘We followed their lead and initially included a handful of MINIs in our fleet.’ It turned out to be a hit, and there were many positive reactions.

That is why Intys decided to add this car to its fleet as a permanent starter car. Another 30 or so were added recently, bringing the total number of MINIs to 71. A fleet that deserves to be seen.

‘Our multimodal approach enables us to offer flexible mobility solutions that meet the needs of companies and their employees.’ - Sven Timmermans, Corporate Sales at Alphabet

Mobility partner

The entire Intys fleet currently consists of almost 300 cars. Three-quarters of these come from Alphabet, which specialises in leasing company cars (among others) and has been part of the BMW Group, which MINI also belongs to, since 1997. The modernisation of the fleet shows what a difference a mobility partner can make.

‘We have been working with Intys since 2015,’ says Sven Timmermans, Corporate Sales at Alphabet. ‘They joined forces with us because of our personal approach and our thorough, customised advice. This has led to a long-term customer relationship.’

Intys knows that a lease car is still an important part of the remuneration package. Sometimes it can even be the decisive factor in getting or keeping new talent. ‘Naturally, we capitalise on that as much as possible with the MINI fleet,’ they said. Or: how a mobility partner can also become an HR partner.

‘Our people can park their car on the outskirts of town and cycle the last few kilometres to the customer without traffic jams.’ - Katrien De Both, CFO at Intys

Biking past traffic jams

Employees’ mobility needs and requirements are not set in stone. Today, employees increasingly switch between different modes of transport when travelling to and from work and to and from customers.

‘That is why there is a folding bike in the boot of the MINIs,’ says Katrien De Both. ‘Our people really appreciate that too. They can park their car on the outskirts of town and cycle the last few kilometers to the customer without traffic jams.’ The folding bikes are also part of the mobility solution that Alphabet offers.

According to Sven Timmermans, Alphabet is increasingly taking on a consultancy role with regard to mobility and everything related to it.

‘Thanks to our multimodal approach, we can offer flexible mobility solutions that are fully tailored to the needs of companies and their employees.

One of those solutions is Alphabet Rent. Companies can rent or lease a vehicle for a short period to meet changing needs. For example, a start-up vehicle, a replacement vehicle, or a vehicle for temporary employees.’

Mobility plan in the making

A company like Intys can also turn to Alphabet for advice on taxation and the transition to electric vehicles. ‘The greening of our fleet will be an important focus for us over the coming years,’ says Katrien De Both. ‘We are developing a mobility plan. It is reassuring to know that - when necessary - we can rely on Alphabet and its expertise.’

In the run-up to the greening, Intys is analysing several solutions that can be used to optimally organise the charging of electric cars for employees. In short, nothing is left to chance.

Would you like to know more about the flexible mobility solutions Alphabet offers as a mobility partner?

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